Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is Regret good energy or bad energy?

The terms REGRET means the following:

"The pain of mind on account of something done or experienced back in the past, with a wish that it had been done differently."

"A looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing; grief; sorrow; especially, a mourning on account of the loss of some joy, advantage, or satisfaction."

Is is also possible to have regret for something that you chose NOT to experience?
Regret is feeling like an angel with only one wing...

In my life and my world I have definitely had moments where I wanted something, but my wanting was contingent upon someone else's cooperation or their desire to want the same thing. And thus some of my wants didn't come true as a result. At the time I may have had regrets because I would never know "what could have been."

Now in hindsight, of course, I see that even those holes of experiences I did want to experience, were indeed blessings in disguise.

So what does Regret have to do with finding your Twin Soul?

Is it possible to have met your Twin Soul, your one and only flame of true love, and to have let her or him go?

I find myself at an age where juvenile infatuation is not necessarily part of my life anymore. Although I love the feeling of being in love. Mostly because I quickly see through such shallow feelings and instantly transmute them into unconditional love. However, what is true and unconditional love? The kind of love you want to share with your Twin Soul?

How many times have you talked to a person in their 40s, 50s, 60s or even older, and they told you of that one special person that they knew was their Soulmate, their Twin Soul, and yet at that time they didn't recognize the power, they were lost in that feeling of childish infatuation and thus didn't recognize the true power of their connection?

How many people roam this Earth with aching hearts because they let the one person go that would have changed the entire course of their life?

I wonder how many people are out there having true regrets that they didn't follow their hearts at one point or another...

The question is, what are you to do if you have indeed let a person go?

Is there a way to get them back? Should you settle for second best? Should you wait for another life time to reunite with your Twin Soul?

We are told that if we seek with all of our hearts and all of our minds, we will find and shall have what we're looking for. It takes my entire system of desire, every atom, every molecule and neuron to work together to merging with this person. Is it hard work? Absolutely not. All it takes is patience, ease and a 100% match.

I'm calling for my 100% match - show me and communicate with me about what my next steps are in order to complete myself so I can stand before you ready for our merging.

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