Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November Topic: What are Twin Souls?

I am so engulfed in getting a good grasp on the term "Twin Souls," that I decided to dedicate the entire month of November to writing about it. If I want to buy a house, I first must know what exactly I want. Do I want a small house or a big house? A 2-story house or a 1-story house? Hardwood floors or carpet? Views, no views? With my clear picture in hand I can go to the realtor and tell him or her what exactly I want. Similarly, with a clear picture of who I am (first and foremost) and then knowing that my Twin Soul is my energetic idential Twin, I will go out into the world looking for him, knowing exactly what I'm looking for. Guess work and "what ifs" and "maybes" and "could he be the one" are immediately eliminated. And the path is made straight.
The more I read and meditate, the more I am feeling connected to my Love. Having said that, I pray and intend to make my call for "the one" a powerful echo, which undoubtedly is on its way to returning to me...

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