Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Wish List Game

If you watched my "Saying Good Bye" movie (to the left) then you've seen a grocery cart full of wrapped gifts with the sub title: "Place your request with the Universe. Give gifts of Heaven and the World shall be yours."

I heard an amazing story a long time ago, it stuck with me and from it I came up with the Wish List Game. The story goes like this:

Imagine yourself being welcomed by your angel as you arrive in heaven. "Follow me, I'll show you to your room," said your angel. You follow this looooong hallway with doors to the left and right, all with names on them. Your angels stops in front of the door with your name on it. You open the door and inside is the biggest, most beautiful and most magnificent room you have ever seen. It is filled with wrapped gifts as far as as your eyes can see, from top to bottom, wrapped gifts everywhere. In the middle of the room you see a few gifts that had been unwrapped. "What are those," you ask your angel. "Those are the things you asked for, the wrapped gifts are the things you could have had, if you just had asked for them."

The moral of the story is that the Universe truly does want to bless us, we just need to ask for it.
You can play this game by yourself, with a pen and paper. Even better is playing with a friend who has the same understanding of the Universal powers as you do, a friend who loves you no matter what, who won't judge you if you're asking for the dumbest and smallest or weirdest things, because he or she knows there is no such things. This person has the power to anchor your gifts by not only holding your space for you, but by asking for the same gift as well.
Personally I think gifts that are given are ten-thousand times more gratifying than the gifts that we receive. If you're angry or hold grudges you may ask for gifts of being giving or the gift of forgiveness. So make sure you also ask for gifts that you can give to others. Such as kindness and mercy to others, forgiveness when a friend hurts you, etc. I call these gifts of heaven. Their the best kind.
I played this game with a friend this morning. We were on the phone for about 2 hours. Here is how it went. He made a wish and then I sealed it by saying: "Your wish is my command." You can also say "And you shall have it." All of the gifts we asked for were anchored by the other, so I would say: "Your wish is my command and I wish the same thing as well."

There are no rules except not to judge for whatever the other person is requesting and having tons of fun, laugh about it and FEEL the joy of the gift now as if it was already here. At one point I asked to always have the ability to fall in love with the tiniest, littlest thing, which is to keep me living in the Now. He anchored this by wishing that he wished to always see the uniqueness of a beautiful tree or notice a special rose that would stick out from all the other roses on the rosebush. There are no limits to this game. Get as detailed as you want (the more detailed the better).

Here is where it got interesting. After the most important or shall I say, most obvious gift requests, such as happiness, true love, health, wealth, friends of integrity, etc., we started to "run out of" things to ask for. We quickly realized why this room full of wrapped gifts only has a few unwrapped gifts in the middle. We just don't ask! We run out of things to ask because we think "it's too good to be true," or "I better not ask for too much so I won't get disappointed." Whatever the reason, we don't believe...

To demonstrate the power of this game, here is what happened to me within literally 30 minutes of hanging up with my friend. Here are 3 sample wishes that I had made throughout the course of these 2 hours:

1. I want to always enjoy smooth technology, computers, vehicles, no issues with roofs, plumbing and so on. I put this request out because my car just needed $2000 worth of repairs and was in the shop for 2.5 weeks, it had been stolen.

2. Another request was that I want to focus on detachment, letting go, not feeling the need to control every outcome but to enjoy peace and the silent knowing that everything always happens for a reason.

3. Another request was to enjoy enough money to always pay for what needs to be paid for and to enjoy a life style that would allow me to be free to be about purpose, go travel for 3 months or a year if I chose to. I asked for passive income in particular.

We really enjoyed this entire process, thanked each other for being the catalyst for each other's life dreams and then hung up the phone. I got in my gym clothes and jumped in the car only to find that my "check engine" light came on.
"You've gotta be kidding!" I told myself.
Ah! Remember I asked for smooth technology? I asked for working technology because I had just gone through this car ordeal. Do you think I was probably making this request more out of fear or out of peace?
So another request I had made was to exercise detachment, letting go, being at peace.
So I had a choice to make, would I take responsibility for having made the wish out of fear and then having an attitude about the "check engine" light or would I take the opportunity and give myself the gift of detachment, letting it go and enjoying peace knowing that dream number 3, having enough money would shortly follow thereafter?

Yes, I chose to let it go and be at peace about it. Some of you may be tempted to say that the bad always happens but the money to fix the car would probably be withheld. This happens when we get an attitude about it and thus we clip off the law of allowance, thus the Universe can't deliver the money because we are no longer in alignment with the gift of always having plenty (because we're now certain that the money will surely be withheld, the Universe has to bring you this new request instead and cancel out the old gift request).
And I realized that we are amazing creators - if we just believed, took some courage and truly went out to the edge and were bold to ask for whatever we want! It took 30 minutes for me to get the gift of detachment (and yes, it's an ongoing gift and I'm sure more opportunities to practice this gift are just around the corner).
The most important thing here is to ask out of love, not out of fear. But first, you must ask - THEN you will receive!

Happy Wish List Game everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I find myself telling myself (and the Universe) that the money I want to live the life I want will be withheld...I don't want that but it seems like the thought flashes immediately sometimes, like I am used to getting the rug pulled out from under is something I am working on...ask then receive and be ready to receive! Stop the "no's" in my mind!
Love and light,