Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Prison Within

Many years after his miraculous escape from prison, a tinsmith recounts what made his escape possible. His wife, a weaver, had woven the design of the lock to his prison cell ino the prayer rug upon which he prayed five times a day. Realizing that the prayer rug contained the design of his cell's lock, he struck a deal with his jailers to get tools to make small artifacts, which the jailers then sold and profited from. Meanwhile, he also used the tools to create a key to his cell, and one day made his escape.

The moral of the story is that understanding the design of the lock that keeps us imprisoned can help us create the key that will unlock it. It also describes the condition of most of humanity: imprisoned in the labyrinth of our own lives. At times of a crisis feelings such as inadequacy, deficiency, emptiness, lonliness and unhappiness, we may get some insight glimpse to our true confinement. The prison we're in has been created by us, and the key to unluck this prison is within us as well.

Just a little while ago I had a conversation with a 52 year old single man told me that while he is looking for the love of his life, all his married buddies don't want to go home to their wives. They feel like their homes have become their prisons. We had an interesting discussion about marriage, home life, being devoted and dedicated to another person and putting that ring on the finger. What does it all mean?

Having been married myself for 15 years and now having been single for nearly 5 years, I understand the "dilemma" of finding "the one and only" and I too think about whether or not I ever want to get married again. After a disussion with a good friend we came to the conclusion that married people go home because they "have to." Single people go home because they "want to." I'm grossly generalizing, of course, but perhaps you understand.
The way I see it for me is that I first need to realize, see, and admit that I am living in a self created prison. I created it, I can also create the key to get out of it. "Out there" is freedom and yet paradoxically "out there" really means "in here." Only when I am free within can I be free without and can I attract my other (also free) Twin Soul. And together we can live a life free from burdens and "shoulds" and "should nots" and enjoy the freedom and peace that comes from "letting be" and complete detachment.

Much love for 2009!


Unknown said...

As usual, I was just talking about this very thing with a friend of mine. I too feel like I "have to" go home and I feel imprisoned there...save for my kids which bring me much joy.

I am committing to myself, my twin soul, and my kids that I am going to work to free myself from this burden. Make the courageous, albeit painful, choices and get on with my wonderful life!

Thanks for being in it with me!

Love...a whole bunch of it...TO YOU!!!

Bianca Moriah said...

And I wish you bags full of courage and self love to walk your journey!

Much love and light to you too. :-)